Hi everyone! We are SO very excited to kick off our Pride Profile series with Ashley and Danielle! In our new series we will be sharing profiles of people in the LGBTQ community – actors/organizers/fans/gamers – because REPRESENTATION MATTERS. We hope you enjoy this new series – AND getting to know Ashley and Danielle!
Ashley Arnold – Director, ClexaCon

Maverick Gamers (MG): What LGBTQIA moment/event in your lifetime has had the most influence on you?
Ashley Arnold (AA): I was in the army so the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was really a big moment for me. I remember signing all of these papers agreeing to not be gay when I enlisted. I’ll never forget the feeling of dread that ran through me.
MG: What’s your favorite TV series?
AA: I am in love with KILLING EVE
MG: As you look back on your career what was the most painful lesson you’ve learned?
AA: Get everything in writing.
MG: Dolls or Action figures?
AA: Action Figures
MG: What book would you like to write?
AA: I’m obsessed with love stories, every time I’m on a plane I devour books. I would love to write a love story, which I imagine would turn into a script.
Follow: Ashley on Twitter, ClexaCon on Twitter, ClexaCon online
Danielle Jablonski -Director, ClexaCon

Maverick Gamers (MG): What do you see on the horizon for ClexaCon?
Danielle Jablonski (DJ): I see ClexaCon becoming even more of a hub for LGBTQIA content creators. I’m really excited about all of the projects that come out of networking at the convention.
MG: What’s your favorite TV series?
DJ: Orphan Black
MG: Dolls or Action figures?
DJ: Action figures!!!!
MG: What one word would you use to describe yourself?
DJ: Australian!
MG: What’s the one thing about you few people know?
DJ: I was a cellist or maybe that I used to fly helicopters in New York!
Follow: Danielle on Twitter, ClexaCon on Twitter, ClexaCon online